Ultimate Chef's Knife


Ovaj Macov velik kuhinjski nož spada u najviši razred profesionalnih kuhinjskih noževa. Ima posebno napravljenu kompaktnu dršku koja nožu daje težinu i oštrici ravnotežu. Zbog težine drške ovaj će se nož, prije svega, svidjeti kuharima koji su navikli na teško kovane njemačke odnosno francuske kuhinjske noževe. Razlika je u tome da ima ovaj nož tanju oštricu koja bolje i lakše reže. Riječ je o spajanju klasičnog njemačkog odnosno francuskog kuhinjskog noža sa savršenstvom japanskih oštrica. Napravljen je od najboljeg Macovog sub – zero superiornog čelika s dodatkom volframa što mu daje vrlo dugo nevjerojatnu oštrinu. Hrc – 61.


This Mac’s large kitchen knife belongs to the highest class of professional kitchen knives. It is characterized by a heavier, compact handle, which gives the knife additional weight and perfectly balances the blade. Due to the weight of the handle this knife will be appreciated primarily by chefs who are accustomed to heavy, forged, German-style or French-style knives, with a difference that the blade of this knife is thinner and cuts better and more easily. This knife presents a combination of a traditional large and heavy German-style or French-style kitchen knife and the perfection of Japanese blades. It is made of the top quality Mac’s original sub-zero tempered superior steel with an addition of tungsten, which results in an incredible sharpness that lasts for a very long period of time. Hardness 61 HRC.
To place an order please contact us at luka@osterrob.si

Ročaj opis: 
Dimenzije: 235 mm × 49 mm × 3 mm